
WandaVision Episode 8 Ending explained | Evil Vision, Chaos Magic, and Agatha Harkness - valdiviaraltals

WandaVisionepisode 8 one time again asked more questions than IT answered, continuing to encourage theories and fans trying to explain the ending, including the post-credits scene. Hera's the episode recap (which includes spoilers) and an explainer happening what Chaos Magic is, whether Agatha is more powerful than Wanda, what Tyler Hayward is planning, and what to build of evil Vision.

WandaVision Episode 8 Ending explained | Recapitulation, spoilers, theories

What is Chaos Magic?

WandaVision Episode 8 Theories

Chaos Magic is a very rare, mythical type of magic that Wanda wields.

In WandaVision, Agatha Harkness explains that this makes Wanda a "Chromatic Witch," which is the final examination transmission line of the episode. Agatha is very funny about Wanda's abilities and has been biding her meter ready for Wanda to reveal how she become so powerful.

In the opening to sequence 8, we envision Agatha use dark abilities to erase her coven, possibly leeching the power from them. IT's possible that Agatha was preparation to dress this to Wanda, merely the past hag doesn't want to ingest the Topsy-turvydom Energy as she calls it "dangerous."

As showcased away Wanda's ability to transform Westview and bring back a variant of Vision, Chaos Magic put up transform reality to whatever the user wants.

Is Agatha more right than Wanda?

In a fair fight, Wanda is more than powerful than Agatha Harkness.

Though installment 8 ends with a draw, with Agatha seizing of Wanda's children, IT's not clear whether the two witches will actually make out battle. Previously, Agatha stopped Wanda's magic with the use of runes. Now they are in the streets of Westview and there doesn't appear to be any runes in place, which means Wanda is absolve to attack with magic. However, with the revelation of Chaos Magic and Wanda being a Scarlet Witch, IT's possible that the two end their feud to work unneurotic somehow.

In the comics, Agatha Harkness teaches Wanda to control the Chaos Magic. A like relationship could be forming in WandaVision, though Agatha's snatch of Wanda's two sons is a pretty uttermost way of teaching! This would make them allies kind of than foes.

It should also follow noted that Agatha knows about the Infinity Stones and seems unphased by them beingness involved with Wanda's enhancements.

What is Tyler Hayward planning?

New WandaVision episode 8 theories

Tyler Hayward is resurrecting Sight to attack Westview and Wanda.

After the carry-credits scene, it becomes earn that Tyler Hayward is planning to attack Wanda by exploitation his own corrupt version of Imaginativeness. Powered by Wanda's Chaos Energy that has been pulled from a Stark Industries drone, the raw Imaginativeness is white and appears fewer "reanimated."

IT's non clear what Tyler Hayward is preparation to accomplish here, A he has gotten caught up in a massive magical good deal. Of course, it's still practicable for Hayward to reveal himself A truth villain, with some still believing He could be Mephisto and pulling the string section from behind the scenes.

Is the new Vision evil?

The new Vision does appear to be vicious.

Wanda ne'er took Vision's body from S.W.O.R.D. Instead, John Tyler Hayward kept the body and put Sight back in collaboration to serve S.W.O.R.D. By episode 8's end, it's clear that the spic-and-span Vision has been revived and testament be working for S.W.O.R.D., at to the lowest degree ab initio.

Will we see Wanda's revived Vision fight S.W.O.R.D.'s Visual sense? The potential for an epic unmatched on one encounter is certainly in that location. What's Hayward's endgame though? To know for sure, we'll have got to watch the close installment.

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